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Distribution Future Energy Scenarios

The Distribution Future Energy Scenarios outline the range of credible futures for the growth of the distribution network. Broadly aligning with the National Grid Future Energy Scenarios, these encompass the growth of demand, storage and distributed generation, also low carbon technologies such as Electric Vehicles and Heat Pumps. 

We work with Regen to create the Distribution Future Energy Scenarios for all licence areas on an annual cycle. 

The uncertainty in the future path of demand and generation growth, coupled with the significant changes in energy system operation outlines the need for coordination if growth is to be achieved economically. The scenario projections are mapped geographically to our network using local knowledge and expertise to derive a regionally specific outlook for each of our licence areas. The outputs of the DFES studies are used by National Grid Electricity Distribution to inform long term strategic planning and flexibility analysis.

We have made our DFES projections available to view on our DFES map, which allows stakeholders to explore how we spatially allocate growth of different technologies across our licence areas. The 2024 DFES projections will shortly be available on the map here.

DFES publications

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