Distribution Future Energy Scenarios
The Distribution Future Energy Scenarios outline the range of credible futures for the growth of the distribution network. Broadly aligning with the National Grid Future Energy Scenarios, these encompass the growth of demand, storage and distributed generation, also low carbon technologies such as Electric Vehicles and Heat Pumps. We work with Regen to create the Distribution Future Energy Scenarios for each licence area on an annual cycle. The Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) map is a visual representation of the scenario projections which National Grid Electricity Distribution use for long term strategic network planning. This map displays the scenario projection at a Local Authority level. Bespoke reports for each Local Authority are available to view on the DFES map.
These studies have been completed for 2023 to use scenarios which are compliant with the Net Zero 2050 targets as set by UK government.
Main points to note regarding the map are:
- Distribution Future Energy Scenarios aggregated to a Local Authority level represent all customers connected to the National Grid Electricity Distribution network within the geographic area of a Local Authority. As a result, this includes customers connected at all voltage levels.
- The Local Authority totals only consider the area supplied by National Grid Electricity Distribution, it does not include projections outside of the filtered National Grid Electricity Distribution licence area boundary.
Included below are some of the acronyms used in the DFES map explained:
CCGT: Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
CHP: Combined Heat and Power
EV: Electric Vehicle
OCGT: Open Cycle Gas Turbine

Distribution Future Energy Scenarios Map
The Distribution Future Energy Scenarios outline the range of credible futures for the growth of the distribution network. Broadly aligning with the NESO Future Energy Scenarios, these encompass the growth of demand, storage and distributed generation, also low carbon technologies such as Electric Vehicles and Heat Pumps.