Our Network
National Grid Electricity Distribution (NGED) manage a network of 220,000 km of overhead lines and underground cables, and 185,000 substations to provide power to millions of people.
We transfer power safely and securely from the National Grid to millions of homes and businesses in the Midlands, South West and Wales. Our network of overhead lines, underground cables and substations transforms power from the 400,000 volts supplied by the National Grid to the 230v you need to power your home.
Investing in our network
We’re investing in updates and improvements to our network to continue to deliver the power you rely on.
Energy data hub
Find out how we’re using information to innovate, improving our network services for people and the planet.
Learn how we’re planning to manage future challenges in power generation, storage, demand and distribution.
Long term development
Read our strategic plans for the future development of our network.
Green Recovery
We’re working with Ofgem and the industry to support the transition to net zero.
Distribution area
Use our handy search facility to find out if we’re providing your power.
LGA/LEP liaison for network development
We’re building better relationships with local authorities and partnerships to manage capacity and demand challenges.
Public consultations on overhead lines (s.37) planning applications
View all our current Section 37 planning notices forming part of the public consultation process for 132kV power lines.
Information about our network, including maps on the layout of generation and capacity and resources on our network development.
Network plans and information
Find out what data we make available to third parties, and how you can access it.
Network Opportunity Map
Our Network Opportunity Map displays current capability for connecting large-scale new developments.
Health & safety
Learn what we're doing to protect people and the planet, while delivering the power we all rely on.
Statement of works
Information on the 'Statement of Works' that NGED submits to the National Grid.
Distributed generation EHV constraint maps
View our EHV network map (33kV and above) to see those circuits which are operating at or near their limits for the connection of any further Distributed Generation (DG).
Generation capacity register
Check our register for details on generators currently connected to our network, or in the process of applying.
System wide resource register
Get access to useful information and network services, including generation and storage resources, and flexibility services.
Read about how we’re cutting costs and carbon emissions by reducing power losses.
Active Network Management (ANM)
Find out whether you’re in an Active Network Management (ANM) area, and what this means for you and your connection.
Use of system charges
Access essential information for electricity suppliers and major users about charges, metering and more.
Accelerated Loss of Mains Change Programme (ALoMCP)
We’re working with other Distribution Network Owners and National Grid ESO to accelerate compliance with the new Distribution Code requirements.
Distribution code
Access the Distribution Codes of all licensed electricity distribution operators of Great Britain.
Check before you dig - location of our cables and equipment
Contact us if you’re planning and project near any of our equipment, and we’ll ensure you and your workers are safe.
Worst Served Customers
Find out more about improvements for customers who are classified as worst served.