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Accelerated Loss of Mains Change Programme (ALoMCP)

Ensure your electricity generation is compliant

If you own electricity generation equipment installed under G59, the deadline to confirm compliance was 31/08/2022.  

By ensuring your generation equipment is compliant, you will be reducing the risk of unnecessary tripping, and helping to make this country's secure reliable power supply even more resilient. 

 Loss of Mains Protection


Loss of mains protection is used to stop any damage when problems occur on the electricity distribution network. Methods used in the past can disconnect generation when it is not necessary to do so. The effect of this, more often than not, happens when more renewable generation is running and the costs of trying to stop any disruptions are paid for by the consumer and electricity industry. Changing loss of mains protection will therefore deliver a step change in how the electricity system can be operated and will allow more low carbon power to flow at lower cost. 

  Confirming Compliance

Owners of generating sites in Great Britain are required to ensure that their installations are compliant with Engineering Recommendation G59/3-7. 

How do I check and confirm compliance of my generation equipment?

You can find out more information at Futureproof your Power. Please check our list of recognised contractors if you need to engage a contractor to help with confirming compliance of your generation equipment. 

If you think your generation equipment is already compliant, or after you have completed compliance works, you can confirm compliance using the form linked below.  (Please note that to complete the form you will need details of the MPAN, generation type and generation capacity on your site, as well as details of any relays and/or inverters). 

Accelerated Loss of Mains Change Programme Form (ALoMCP)


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