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Network Opportunity Map

Our new Network Opportunity Map replaces the Network Capacity Map which provided information for our higher voltage networks and our EV capacity map which provided information at a distribution substation level.

The Network Opportunity Map provides a unified view of possible connection opportunities across NGED’s Bulk Supply Points (BSPs), Primary substations and distribution substations. For BSPs and Primaries, we have enhanced our headroom methodology to provide a more accurate indication of demand and generation headroom for both the existing connected network position and the future contracted position.

The colour gradings are intended to guide the user to areas of the network where a connection is more likely to be achieved without triggering significant distribution reinforcement.

For detailed information on transmission delays relating to generation connections please visit our clearview connect which provides a comprehensive view of capacity available at all our Grid Supply Points (GSPs). This includes functionality to see the full anonymised queue and specific information for any scheme you have in the queue. More information can also be found on our Statement of Works page.


What would you like to connect?


What kind of demand would like to connect?