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On Boundary Enhanced LCT Integrating Service Cabinet (OBELISC)

Network operators
  • National Grid Electricity Distribution
Funding mechanismNetwork Innovation Allowance (NIA)
DurationJan 2025 - Jul 2027
Estimated expenditure£997k
Research areaOptimised Assets and Practices


  • Develop a novel solution for upgrading customers to a three-phase supply, so they can adopt LCTs to achieve net zero
  • Develop a new three phase connection point which can be installed at the boundary edge of domestic properties
  • Deliver a solution which key stakeholders and end users will accept to be installed at the boundary edge of domestic properties
  • Design a cost-effective solution which reduces the cost and disruption of upgrading customers to a three-phase supply
  • Increase the capacity of LV networks to connect large volumes of low carbon technologies by balancing load across all three phases


The majority of NGED’s customers are single phase (1ph) connected but expect to be able to connect EVs and heat pumps to reduce their impact on the climate. NGED already connect new customers with three phase services (3ph) to enable the additional load of LCTs, and retrofit of existing customers to 3ph would provide these same benefits, in addition to whole system benefits of reduced reinforcement and losses. There are significant issues with upgrading using existing 3ph equipment, such as: sizing or resizing the meter cabinet to enable the connection; difficulty accessing service positions, particularly in older homes where these are in the middle of the property; drawing new 3ph service cables across existing properties and heat rise in well-insulated new homes reducing validity of the maximum rating. This and more leads to increased costs and reduced customer acceptance, introducing more barriers to net zero.


Project OBELISC will aim to solve this problem by developing a novel solution for upgrading the connections of domestic customers to allow them to adopt the LCTs that will achieve net zero more efficiently. It will develop a new type of meter cabinet installed near the boundary edge of domestic properties to serve as the 3ph domestic connection point to the distribution network. The new solution must:

  • Integrate the existing 1ph connection and enable connection of low carbon technologies to one or three phases
  • Eliminate the disruption of dragging a new 3ph service cable across gardens and into homes · Have an appearance and footprint which customers will accept in their homes
  • Enable balancing of LCTs across phases on the LV network


The project will be delivered in four stages, with stage gates in-between to sign off on proceeding to the next stage.

Stage zero: Initiation and buy-in

This stage will focus on obtaining end-user buy in to the project concept. It will ensure that the project is designing a product customer’s want and will accept on their properties. It will achieve this by engaging customers through representative groups and presentations at customer events.

At the end of this phase, it is expected the OBELISC solution will be confirmed at TRL 2.

Stage one: Requirements of the solution

This stage will focus on capturing the internal and external stakeholder requirements for the solution, including: use cases, standards compliance, regulatory compliance, operational requirements, distribution system integration, consumer connection technical requirements, amenity and cosmetic requirements and installation requirements.

It will also assemble a stakeholder review panel that will provide feedback and review throughout the course of the project and define the requirements of the OBELISC solution. The review panel is aimed to be at least15 key persons from a wider stakeholder pool of around 400 invitees and will be empowered via dedicated stakeholder engagement partner to be a voice ensuring value for customers is embedded in the solution design.

This stage will develop a functional specification for partners to use to develop technical designs.

At the end of this phase, it is expected the OBELISC solution will have achieved TRL 3.

Stage two: Solution design

A design process will be agreed separately between Frazer-Nash, Cubis, Proteus and Lucy for development of the solution against the functional specification. The solution design will be delivered as per the agreed process.

This stage will also define the functionality and compliance test regime for the solution. This will include estimating the number of prototypes of the final design that will be required to be manufactured to deliver this test regime.

At the end of this phase, it is expected the OBELISC solution will have achieved TRL 4.

Stage three: Validating the designed solution

This stage will produce prototypes of the final design and carry out functionality and compliance testing as defined in the previous stage to ensure the solution meets all requirements defined in stage one.

Assuming testing is passed, a trial installation of the prototype will be carried out at an NGED training school site to develop the techniques for installation on the network.

This stage will also perform a cost-benefit analysis for all stakeholders of the deployment of the solution on NGED / DNO networks.

These activities will inform a final review to evaluate the project’s success and decide whether to accept into the new product into NGED business as usual procurement and operations.

At the end of this phase, it is expected the OBELISC solution will have achieved TRL 6. The expectation is that the OBELISC device will be functional and meet all necessary compliance standards to be installed in homes – however, as this project does not include an installation live on the distribution network it does not meet TRL 7 or 8 by the strictest interpretation of their definitions.


Following the approval of a functional specification for the project solution, two solutions will be designed and tested in separate Workstreams. The aim of having dual Workstreams is not to draw a comparison between the two designs, but to increase market options for customers after the project. The ideal scenario is that both Workstreams are successful.

  • Workstream Alpha will be delivered by Proteus Switchgear and Cubis Systems
  • Workstream Beta will be delivered by Lucy Electric

Work Packages

Within the four stages the project, work activity and outputs will be delivered within five work packages.

WP0. Project management

This work package includes all activities to manage and deliver the project to time and cost, ensuring all NIA governance requirements are met and that the project stays on scope. It also provides for final review and approval of all project deliverables.

WP1. Stakeholder engagement

This work package will encompass all activities to assemble and manage the stakeholder review panel, coordinate stakeholder engagement events and prepare materials for stakeholder review.

It will develop the customer business case, understanding the quantitative and qualitative value directly to customers receiving the OBELISC solution and using this to inform scenarios for the wider cost-benefit analysis of the solution.

A dedicated stakeholder engagement partner, separate from the technical design process, will translate key project outputs into digestible formats and independently collate responses and feedback.

WP2. Technical development, policy and system integration

This work package will develop the engineering requirements and justification for the OBELISC solution for distribution networks. It will produce the technical policy for construction and installation of the solution. It will also encompass activities to ensure compliance with all necessary standards and that the solution integrates with the distribution network.

WP3. Specification and design

This work package will plan and deliver the process for designing the solution against the functional specification.

WP4. Prototyping, testing and analysis

This work package will involve all activities to produce and test a prototype of the solution design. It will also carry out the cost assessment of the new solution and compare this against the standard.

A Data Quality and Measurement Statement is provided with this document.