Maps hub
One stop shop for all our map-based information, both interactive and document based.
Featured maps
Live data viewer
Provides live and historic data for demand, import and generation for each of our four licence areas.
Live power cuts map
For updates and information on any current power cut activity.
Network Opportunity Map
Our network capability to connect large-scale developments and electric vehicles.
Network flexibility map
Where our network is currently seeking flexibility, or may seek it in the future.
Interactive maps and services
Investment map
The investment map details a selection of projects that are planned and being completed on our network.
Social indicator mapping
This data helps to identify areas with the highest concentrations of vulnerable customers. This allows us to target outreach projects in areas of highest vulnerability.
Distributed generation EHV constraint maps
These are overview maps of our EHV networks, 33kV and above.
Live power cuts map
Keep up to date with any network issues that are happening on our network.
Network Opportunity Map
The Network Opportunity Map provides an indication of the networks capability to connect large-scale developments and electric vehicles.
Network flexibility map
The Network Flexibility Map has been developed to display where our network is currently seeking flexibility, or may seek it in the future.
Roadworks map
This map provides details of some of our major works that require road closures or temporary traffic lights. Please note that not all works are included here and there may be other works that will affect roadways.
DFES map
This map outlines the range of credible futures for the growth of the distribution network. These scenarios encompass the growth of demand, storage and distributed generation, as well as low carbon technologies.