Another 60 second interview
We've asked Cardiff-based Primary System Design Engineer Gavin Rogers a few quick fire questions:
What’s your career background?
I started as an Electrical Apprentice in the steel industry aged 16 and then progressed to Maintenance Engineer in the blast furnace area of the works. I joined WPD in August 2014 in my current role as Primary System Design Engineer.
What does your current role entail?
My day-to-day activities include working on multi-million-pound generation projects, planning and designing the electricity network, meeting customers, financial organisation and monitoring, and discussing any connection issues that arise.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoy the variety of the work. One day you could be using computer software to analyse the network looking at how a new connection can be made or the network reinforced. Another day you could be on site with customers discussing the complexities around installation works.
What are your interests and hobbies outside of work?
In my spare time I enjoy watching rugby, mountain biking and snowboarding.
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