EDGE-FCLi Project: Call for the Expression of Interest - Project Trial Host
Growing generation capacity in distribution networks, particularly due to adoption of distributed generation sources, drives increased fault levels in these networks. More specifically, the fault level management becomes increasingly difficult leading to generation connection rejections or time-consuming and resource intensive reinforcement works that can delay the connection of new generators.
Western Power Distribution in collaboration with our project partners - GridOn and Rina - has launched an innovation project which aims to upscale a newly developed Fault Current Limiting Interrupter (FCLi), targeted for cost effective connection of distributed generation, from prototype level to a commercial scale device. The solution will allow the faster connection of distributed generation to the grid without the long delays associated with network reinforcement.
This device is designed for use at the point of connection of a generator and it will be therefore installed and trialled in one of Western Power Distribution customers’ sites with connected generation. The selected trial host, having had a first-hand appreciation of its implementation, can benefit from that by exploring the option of an FCLi method for future generation connection applications where fault level restrictions would otherwise lead to a rejection. From an academic point of view this could also provide research opportunities.
We would like to invite WPD stakeholders to express their interest in holding the trial at their premises. Please refer to the Call document for more information and ways to contact us.
Deadline for Expressions of Interest: 30th November 2018
- Innovation