Refurbishment complete
A £1.3m project to refurbish a substation in Filton, Bristol that supplies over 22,000 customers has been completed.
Avonbank Jointer Billy Smart working on upgrading the substation.
As part of our asset replacement programme, there was a requirement to change two 33/11kV transformers and associated reactors at Filton primary substation. After looking into costs, it was decided that the most economical approach was to bring forward the planned replacement of the 11kV switchboard which enabled the removal, rather than replace the reactors, as Projects Engineer Iain Carpenter, who oversaw the project explained:
“The quote for the new reactors without installation was £800,000, so as the 11kV switchboard was already having various faults due to the age of the secondary wiring it was decided to upgrade it all.”
“This did mean some rescheduling in the programme for fitting the 38 panel switchboard into a newly constructed building. Now the work is complete, we can re-joint the 33/11kv transformers without the need for the old reactors.
“So although the work has not been without its challenges, the benefit is that it will further secure the reliability of the network in the area.”
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