Flexible Power acts on customer feedback
Flexible Power customers said they needed better visibility of benefits and clearer signposting of requirements both now and in the future – and the team has acted.
Our Flexible Power team is now providing a forecast of monthly availability and usage to registered parties. The forecasts aim to give participants clear visibility of short-term needs, more certainty about when their assets will be used and the earnings available to them.
Network Strategy Team Manager Ben Godfrey said: ‘Our short term forecasts will provide participants with a forecast for every day of the upcoming month. We’ll show the MWhs we predict we will need, the time we need it and how much we will pay for it.’
Example of the flexibility forecast data.
If you’d like to receive these forecasts register at www.flexiblepower.co.uk/contactus
Ben added: ‘WPD’s Flexible Power team has been seeking feedback for the past few months. The responses were supportive of the work done so far but it’s clear there are improvements to be made.
‘Signposting WPD’s longer term flexibility needs was another key requirement raised. You can now find where flexibility might be required in the future on our Network Flexibility map’
It’s not too late to add your feedback: the Flexible Power Awareness survey can be found here.
We are committed to rolling Flexible Power out across its Network: 13 zones across Exeter, Rugeley and South Hams/Plymouth are currently open for expression of interest. Use our postcode checker to find out if you have a suitable site inside these zones.
New zones will be released for procurement in February 2019: register for updates at www.flexiblepower.co.uk/contactus to be notified when they go live.
- Innovation