Having a ball
Young people with complex needs who attend the Sense TouchBase Cymru day centre in Caerphilly, South Wales are having a ball and enjoying with new soft play equipment aimed to help them.
We have donated £2,000 to Sense the national charity for people living with complex disabilities. The funding has been used to purchase and install a soft play area at the day centre in Caerphilly.
WPD Team Support Kath Davies (seated centre) joined in the fun at Sense’s TouchBase Cymru day centre in Caerphilly.
The centre provides day-care for people with complex disabilities such as multi-sensory impairments. Users of the centre are now able to use and enjoy the soft play area which has quickly become a very popular space.
Kate Wright, TouchBase Cymru Centre Manager said: ““We are grateful to WPD for this donation, we would never be able to purchase large items like these without such generous support.”
“The soft play area provides a real sensory engaging experience and has been a big success, our service users get a huge amount of enjoyment from it, particularly the ball pits.
“It’s transformed their experiences and they can’t wait to use the space!”
WPD’s Corporate Communications Officer Karen Welch said: “The centre is doing great work and creating interesting experiences for the young people. We are very pleased to help such a worthy cause.”
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