Our latest Heat Pump strategy is here
By 2028, the UK is expecting to install 600,000 heat pumps a year – and we are determined to be ready, as outlined in our latest Heat Pump Strategy.
The strategy, which has been updated for 2021, explains how we will ensure that anyone looking to connect a heat pump to the network will be able to do so when and where they want to. Last year, the UK recorded just 35,000 heat pump installations.
In the updated document, we detail the research, development and activity we have carried out to pave the way for the large scale connection of heat pumps.
This includes an insight into our extensive forecasting and network planning, our work to support heat pumps in new and existing homes, and the importance of smart solutions and flexibility in making heat pumps a reality.
The document also explains how a number of our innovative solutions to enable the adoption of heat pumps are now being incorporated into our ‘business as usual’ activities.
We have also updated our guidance document for heat pump installations for 2021, taking into account issues such as building regulations for new homes and the latest government guidelines.
Peter White, WPD System Development Engineer, said: “To achieve a net zero carbon economy, we need to tackle the issue of heating emissions which account for almost half of all carbon emissions in the UK. To do this, we need to connect lots more heat pumps.
“Our strategy outlines how we will ensure that the electricity network is ready and available to help us all to make this huge, but vital, societal change.”
- DSO/Smart Networks