Outdoor experience brings its rewards
Learning to build a shelter from a plastic sheet and a few fallen branches were on the curriculum for the students of Penygroes Primary School recently.
Photo caption: Students from Penygroes near Cardiff with Steph Thompson and Paul Scrivens from WPD, taking cover from the sunshine at their bushcraft session.
Sixteen students from year 5 spent the day with bushcraft instructor Steph Thompson learning and exploring the great outdoors as part of their Outdoor Learning Day.
This session, one of ten funded by local electricity company, Western Power Distribution took the students out of their normal learning environment with the aim of improving self-confidence and increasing concentration.
Steph explained: “Studies show that bushcraft activities can improve problem solving skills and reduce stress for those participating. If they are enjoying the tasks like building a forest shelter or learning how to light a fire with a few sticks they really feel like they have achieved something which translates into a better focus back in the classroom.”
Paul Scrivens who joined in the session at Penygroes added: “The activities can really complement the classroom curriculum and be fun too. They include team games, creative and practical tasks which also link to literacy.”
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