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South Derbyshire success

We have completed a £2.5million project to boost the power network in South Derbyshire.

The project, which took 13 months, involved the replacement and upgrade of the electrical equipment at our grid site in Derby, which was reaching the end of its working life.

As well as the replacement of the electrical apparatus, new telecoms equipment has also been installed to enable the electrical apparatus to transmit data to our Control Centre. The tele controlled equipment will enable Control Engineers to monitor and control the new equipment remotely, helping to minimise disruption to supplies.

Now complete, the project will help to further improve supply reliability and customer service levels to around 50,000 customers in the area.

“The investment ensures that we can provide a high level of service to these areas in the long term by improving the infrastructure and the security of our electricity network,” said John Tasker, Projects Team Manager.

The project forms part of our commitment to provide a consistently high level of service to customers. We will be investing around £7billion on our electricity network between 2015 and 2023.
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