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South Wales steelworks sees improvements

A £1.7 million project to reinforce and upgrade the 132kV power network supplying a major South Wales steelworks site, is underway.

The first stage of the new initiative, which supplies Newport’s Tata Steel Orb Works site, involves the upgrading of high voltage transformers and the removal of switchgear at Newport South grid substation.

WPD Project Engineer, Jack Lawthom who is managing the project is pictured at Newport South Grid Substation following the installation of a new high voltage transformer.

“The project is part of WPD’s ongoing asset replacement programme – work that will further safeguard electricity supplies for customers for years to come,” said WPD Project Engineer Jack Lawthom, who is managing the scheme.

The grid substation supplies electricity to over 9,000 customers locally. Its upgrading is part of our commitment to invest over £7billion on the electricity network between now and 2023.
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