We've created a new report to help flexibility market participants
We have released our first Distribution Network Options Assessment (DNOA), which aims to provide market participants with the maximum amount of transparency possible.
We have been signposting future flexibility needs for some time, following requests from market participants, but the DNOA provides more detail.
DSO Manager Ben Godfrey explained: “We’ve set out to give clear indications and legitimacy to the market by showing our thinking about flexibility decisions. This includes looking ahead by using our Distribution Future Energy Scenarios, which predict future demand, but also looking back to the outcomes of previous flexibility tenders.
“As a result, the DNOA shows the areas where we expect constraints and whether we think we will manage those constraints through flexibility, reinforcement or a combination of the two.
“Our aim is to build market confidence. Although we only provide procurement contracts of between one and four years, the DNOA shows our longer-term thinking. Where flexibility is a more economic option than reinforcement, market participants will be able to read the signals contained within the DNOA.”
The DNOA is available to view here and will be updated every six months.
- DSO/Smart Networks