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Distributed generation EHV constraint maps

The links below provide an overview map of our EHV networks (33kV and above), highlighting those circuits which are operating at or near their limits for the connection of any further Distributed Generation (DG).

The reason for the constraint is shown as either a ‘thermal’ or ‘voltage’ limitation.

These maps are updated monthly, the next issue of the EHV Constraint maps is currently expected to be published around 1st July 2023.


  • The constraints shown on these maps are based on the existing generation connected to the networks, plus the generation not yet connected but holding an accepted connection offer from National Grid giving them the right to connect; 
  • DG connections to the network are still possible within these areas, however there will be a requirement for considerable EHV network reinforcement to overcome their impact on these constrained networks;
  • These maps are provided as an indication only.  Other areas may also be identified as requiring EHV network reinforcement when DG connection is considered, either due to subsequent changes in accepted offers or due to the size of the requested connection.

Statement of Works

Click here for Statement of Works, the most recent responses from National Grid for all areas.