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Appendix G Information


The following table provides an overview of Appendix G details for this GSP.

Part 1 contains legacy sites. Part 2 contains more recent sites or future sites where site specific requirements apply to their connection (for example power factor operating requirements). Part 3 contains sites that are subject to interim restrictions (while NGESO works take place) and site specific requirements apply. Part 4 contains sites that are unable to connect until works on NGESO system are complete. Part 5 provides an indication of any additional capacity that NGESO believes may be available (referred to as Materiality Headroom). Allocation of any such capacity is dependent on a monthly submission and approval process under this trial Appendix G approach.

Appendix G headroom: There is no guarantee or assurance that capacity included in the Headroom will be available or that plant will be able to connect using that capacity. For example, Materiality Headroom and Fault Level Headroom can be utilised shortly after it is published on our website due to an acceptance of a connection offer, which will be captured in Appendix G submission to NGESO in the following month.

In addition a summary of the technical conditions for the Grid Supply Point are provided in the form of reverse power flow limits, fault levels, voltage conditions, or any particular technology limit.

Licence AreaWest Midlands
Part 1 [MW]18.0
Part 2 [MW]52.0
Part 3 [MW]0.0
Part 4 [MW]505.9
Part 5 [MW]0.0
Total Aggregated Developer Capacity [MW]575.9
Fault Level Headroom [kA]0.0
Connection Asset Reverse Power Limits [MVA]N/A
Approved Copy of Appendix G07/11/24
Last Reviewed24/02/25
Subject to Project ProgressionYes
Capacity in Project Progression449.0
Power Factor RangeYes
Emergency DisconnectionYes
Technology RestrictionN/A
Materiality Headroom Subject to Completion of Transmission WorksNew GSP Proposed. Expected Completion Date June 2034.

Power Factor Range

In order to allow NGED to contain voltage within acceptable limits at the National Electricity Transmission System (NETS)/ Distribution System interface, the Customer must ensure that the generators (≥1MW) have the capability to operate between 0.95 leading and 0.95 lagging power factor. Customers will be advised of the target Power Factor within this range.

Emergency Disconnection

National Grid Electricity Transmission (NGET) has instructed that NGED shall maintain a facility such that under emergency conditions on the National Electricity Transmission System (NETS), NGED shall have the ability to de-energise embedded generation (≥1MW) upon instruction from NGET.